Section 12 - Part A:

Your Inferiority Complex 

Let me assume that you are now feeling happier about your present employment.  

Let me again urge on you the great importance of cultivating this friendly and appreciative attitude towards your present work. If you are working for yourself, it will increase your profits. If you are working for someone else, it will bring you promotion and increased pay. Look at the man or woman who is faithful, loyal and industrious in his or her present work. That man or woman will get ahead - and make more money.  

I will now describe the greatest of all barriers to an increased income. This barrier is known as the Inferiority Complex. In these days we hear much about the Inferiority Complex, but many people who talk and write about it know little or nothing of its real nature.  

There is really nothing complex about the Inferiority Complex, and it is a very common mental condition. In my work of helping people to make more money I have found that in nearly every case my most important work was to help people to get rid of this troublesome hindrance.  

At some point in nearly every life, usually in childhood, there comes a situation which impresses on people's minds a feeling that in some way they are below the normal average in judgment or ability. These situations are of such a diverse nature that any attempt to list them would be tedious. They are, however, always accompanied by great embarrassment, deep shame or bitter humiliation. They may arise from a great variety of causes, ranging from a severe scolding by a parent to disappointment in an early love affair; in fact, any one of innumerable incidents may produce the sensation I have described. The mental effects of these incidents are technically known as "psychic traumas", meaning literally soul-wounds.  

The psychic trauma is so unpleasant that people automatically and unconsciously repress the memory - they forget the incident that caused it. The soul-scars, however, remain. In the subjective phase of their mentality they constantly remember that they are inferior – that they are in some way below average - that they do not measure up to the standard - that they are incapable of accomplishing the things average men and women accomplish. Although they are not objectively conscious of this memory, it has its reflected effect on their Objective Minds, and if they resolve to be, do and have the things that other people around them are, do and have, the buried memory comes to the front in the form of doubt as to whether they can do it or fear that they will fail.  

Now, psychologists know that when people undertake something that they doubt if they can do, or with a fear that they will fail, there is a law of mental reaction which will make them do, say and think the very things that will tend to result in failure. This mental reaction is based on the psychological law known as the Law of Reversed Effort - a natural law which under certain mental conditions causes them to work against themselves and their plans without being aware that they are doing so. At the moment, however, we are not studying the general laws and principles of Psychology. We are considering psychological ways and

means of making more money. So, with this brief recapitulation of the Law of Reversed Effort I will pass on to more practical considerations.  

Three Damaging Forms of Inferiority Complex  

The Inferiority Complex is not only a very common mental condition, but it takes three very damaging forms - damaging to your moneymaking ability. Some people are afflicted with it, and when the matter is called to their attention, they readily realise it. This form is usually found in people who feel that they have been beaten in the game of life, that they are down and almost out. Incidentally, this form is comparatively easy to eliminate, for I have their interest and co-operation. Feeling that they are at the bottom of the ladder, they are willing to begin at the bottom, to learn, and to follow instructions. The other two common forms are more difficult.  

One of these two more difficult forms reveals itself in some people as a more or less constant feeling that they are not getting a square deal in life and business, that they are misunderstood or unappreciated, that they are unlucky, or that certain people are actually opposing their success and advancement. All these states of mind are "defences" against the deep-seated feeling of inferiority. The feeling of inferiority lurks in the background of their minds, but personal pride makes them loath to admit it, and they unconsciously set up these other defences I have mentioned as excuses for their failure to get ahead. Even after they learn just what an Inferiority Complex is, they are slow to admit that they have one, and cling more or less doggedly to their excuses and mental attitudes.  

The third common form of the Inferiority Complex shows itself outwardly only as a "defence", and this takes several slightly different forms. Strange as it may seem at a glance, one of these forms is intense egotism. Whenever you meet people who are greatly conceited, who love to be flattered, and who are constantly paying themselves compliments in various ways, they have an Inferiority Complex in the background of their minds that stands out like a mountain on a plain. Sometimes their egotism, is not so plainly apparent to the casual observer, but takes the form of verbosity - that is, wordiness. If you will carefully note their over-active conversation for a while, however, you will observe that the point of most of it is to compliment themselves in one way or another. Their conversation either deals mostly with "clever" things that they think or have done, or is an obvious attempt to display their wit or ability. 

Unconscious Defences 

These people are quite certain that they have no Inferiority Complex, and are inclined to be offended at any suggestion that they do have one. Their egotism, love of flattery and self-flattery, and noisy bluster and talk, are just so many unconscious defences against that hideous thing in the background of their mind - their deep-seated sense of inferiority, which causes them to make fools and nuisances of themselves, holds them back, and keeps their income down.  

The Inferiority Complex is a ghost and a nightmare. People who are afflicted with it are not inferior - that is the tragedy of it. Nevertheless, I have found that of all the things that hold men and women back from making the incomes they desire, this hideous dream-phantom is the most serious and most common. It follows that this problem urgently demands serious thought and action - the kinds of thought and action that have been so remarkably effective in other cases.  

If your income is not sufficient to enable you to live the life you want to live, it is almost certain that you have an Inferiority Complex - especially since nearly everybody has one. The question is what to do about it. Well, let's see.  

Value your own Abilities and Talents 

You are not really inferior, are you? You have at least average common sense, and because you have this common sense you are capable of average sound judgment of people and affairs. You have made some mistakes, because you are only human. So has everybody else. You may have done some things that you are ashamed of, but that is true of the most successful and brilliant men and women. You may not have the education that some people have; but there are many uneducated millionaires, and a lot of educated people on the factory floor. You do not have the same kind of ability and talents as some people you know, but you have just as much ability of some kind and just as important talents. The Universal Intelligence has not played you false in these matters. The trouble is that you have not properly appreciated and valued your ability and talents, so as to convert them into the necessary amount of money.  

In your goings and comings among men and women, think about these things. When you meet someone who seems to you to be in any way better, abler or more talented than you, think to yourself, "I have just as much ability and just as important talents as you have." When you see someone who appeals to you as being particularly noble or good, think to yourself, "I am just as good as you are." Remember that these good and noble people have made mistakes, just as you have, that they have done things of which they were ashamed, and that their actions have brought them into situations in which they suffered shame and humiliation.  

Take pen or pencil and paper and write yourself a long letter, telling yourself all the good things you know about yourself. Write slowly and thoughtfully of your ability, of your capacity to do things that will be helpful to others as well as yourself, of your desire to love and serve, and of your worthiness to be loved and served - and to have and use more money. Write only the good things about yourself. If things that are not so nice or good come into your mind, just remember that the same things are true concerning other good people, and dismiss the thought of them. Make the letter such a letter as you would be pleased to receive from someone you respect and admire.  

This idea of writing a letter to yourself may seem silly. But really it is important. It is one step on the way to making more money. Of course, the letter is only to yourself, and is not to be seen by anyone else. So, you can throw off all restraint and say all the good things about yourself that you can think of. 

A Formula to Banish your Inferiority Complex  

And now, before discussing a definite formula let me explain the meaning of the word "good" as applied to you. It means that you have average common sense, judgment and ability; that you have not done any more, bad and foolish things nor anything worse than the average man or woman has done; that you are honest; and that you deserve to have the increased income you seek and use it for the common good. When, having familiarised yourself with this definition, you have gone to bed for the night, whisper - actually whisper - many times these exact words: "I'm just as good as anybody - just as good as anybody." Again, use the rapidly ticking clock in your bedroom, and when you grow too drowsy to whisper any more, go to sleep hearing the clock say the same thing. Let each tick of the clock measure a syllable of the thought, and think of yourself as speaking through the clock.  

This formula, if accurately used for a few weeks, will finally dispose of your Inferiority Complex, and bring you a step nearer to an increased income. Please do not regard the formula lightly. It is soundly scientific, and is no less effective than the average psycho-analysis which would cost you a great deal of money and take months of your time. Therefore, use it - accurately and persistently.  

Previously I considered how you could become more appreciative of your present employment - how you could become master of the things already entrusted to you, and so make yourself worthy of bigger things. We have now discussed how to eliminate your buried and hindering sense or feeling of inferiority. These are the feelings that must be torn down and cast out to make room for something nobler, bigger and better that will bring the increased income you are seeking.  

Setting the First Goal  

When you start out on a journey you should know where you are going, and have some kind of a plan as to what you will do when you get there. Otherwise, you will wander aimlessly and may come at last to an impassable barrier.  

So, it is when you set out to make more money. You ought to form and hold a very definite idea of how much increased income you need, and of what you will do with it when you get it. The final goal need not be definitely set at the beginning. A first goal or objective should be set, and it should not be too difficult nor too far ahead.  

The increase of income set as the first goal should be an amount that seems reasonably possible of being achieved within a reasonably short time. If this first amount is made too large, or the time set is too short, Reason may rebel against the feasibility of it, so raising doubts and fears, and invoking the operation of the Law of Reversed Effort. For, you will remember, when you set out to do something with doubt about your ability to do it, or with fear or misgivings that you will fail, you indeed will be doomed to failure.  

Now let us get down to business. What is your first goal? What is the first increase of income for which you will now begin to work? What is the time within which you will undertake to get it? Pause here and decide these matters. Don't go on further until your mind is definitely set on these two points. Fix an amount and a time that appeal to your calm sound judgment as being within the range of possibility.  

What's more, when you have once set your goals, do not change them, as to either amount or, time. If you mentally flutter around, with one aim and purpose today and another a little later on, you will never get anywhere.  

We have now reached the crucial stage in this Part of the Course. You are on trial - not for your life, but for your future success and happiness, and the welfare of those you love. Of course, you would have gone on making a living in some sort of a way, and getting some of the things you want, if you had never heard of this Course. Even if you fail at this important point, you will still be vastly better off for having done the work discussed so far. But we are pausing here, seriously making plans, and looking forward to the pleasing prospect of something bigger, better and happier than you can ever hope to achieve in the absence of such serious thought and careful planning.  

Remember, you are not setting your final goal. You hope later to make more money than this increase you are now planning. You are just preparing for the first short lap of your race for independence. Make it a short lap, and give yourself plenty of time. If you are not already a marathon runner in this money-making race, you will need some training on the track, and cannot make your first distance too short, nor your time too long. Let your sober reason and common-sense guide you in fixing your goal. But fix your goal! I earnestly beg you not to fail at this tremendously important point. Perhaps you do not fully realise what it means to you. But I know it. I have been along this road to increased income many times, even before this present Course was ever prepared, in company with a great many other students. I know the important places and crucial turning-points; and we are now at the most important point along the way - this point at which it becomes your duty to fix your first goal. If you fix it, you will achieve it; and this victory will so encourage you, so strengthen your confidence in yourself, that you will then go forward, from goal to goal, from victory to victory, without any further urging.  

Some people are of a type of mentality that finds it difficult to lay plans and fix goals in actual money. They find it easier and more natural to set up as a goal some piece or pieces of property they want. Indeed, a study of the different objectives that students set as their goals is an interesting study in human nature. 

You Need to Earn More 

Rightly or wrongly, I will assume for the moment that you are making only enough money to pay necessary living expenses, and that you would like to have more material things than you have been able to afford up to now. You can't buy a television set, car, or whatever else you want, because there are so many immediate and necessary demands on your income. This may or may not be true in your particular case. 

Nevertheless, it serves to illustrate the point, and is probably true in a great many cases. So, I will, for the sake of clearly making the point, assume that it is true in your case. To make the picture a little clearer, I will also assume that you are married with a spouse and children – but no television set in your home - and that in the quiet of the evening one of the children sometimes asks: "Daddy, when are we going to get a television set?" or, "Daddy, won't you get us a television set?" As I said a moment ago, these assumptions may not exactly apply to you. But if you change the setting a little, and change the words "Television set" to something else you want, these teachings will still apply. If your mental view is such that you can set the actual making of the money needed to buy the television as a goal more easily than you can set the ownership of the television itself, then set your goal on the making of the money. Think of the joy it will bring, plan the position of it in one of your rooms, and set the time for buying it just far enough ahead that it will not seem unreasonable and impossible. But don't set the time so far ahead that you will feel as though you don't want a television at all if you have to wait for it that long.

Set Your First Goal 

Or is it a piano you want? Or a car? Or a better position? Or a business of your own? Or a new home? Or something else in the way of property? I used the illustration of the television set because many people who don't have one would like to have one, and because it means so much in an entertainment, cultural and mind-broadening way. The same principle applies to anything and everything else the human heart desires. The important thing is to set your first goal — to decide here and now, once and for all, just what thing you want, and the time within which you are to get it. If the object is money, then set the goal in actual pounds. If it is something that money will buy, then make that something the goal.  

As to whether you should make your goal a certain sum of money, or something that money will buy, it depends entirely on you. You should choose between the two according to your preference. One is as good as the other. The important thing is to decide the method to be used – and then to set the goal. 

Again, I want to impress on you the fact that here you are passing through a critical section of this Course. This may seem like a useless repetition, but it is so vitally important! In Part B of Lesson Eleven you got a glimpse of the better and pleasanter sides of your present work, and began to get on friendlier terms with it. Earlier in this Part I dealt with your Inferiority Complex. And here you are setting your first goal. Think of these things for a minute. Try to realise how far ahead these three seemingly simple steps are taking you - increased appreciation of  your present work and a determination to master it; elimination of your buried sense of inferiority; and the setting of the first goal on the new and better way to more abundant life and a better income. However simple and commonplace these things may seem to you just now, they are scientifically founded on the very fundamental principles of the new and wonder-working practical psychology. What's more, they are thoroughly tested methods. They actually work - they actually increase incomes. 

I want you to realise, too, that this is the most difficult part of the whole Course. The great majority of unsuccessful and half-successful people are mentally too lazy to do the definite thinking involved in this setting of the first goal. To them it is much pleasanter to let their minds drift easily from fancy to fancy — from idle thought to idle thought. I am not saying that this is true of you. I am stating the general fact, and leaving you to decide for yourself whether it is true of you. If the cap fits, wear it. If it is true in your case, then I suggest that you get behind that lazy mind of yours with the whip of Desire and Will, and root it out from its lazy idling and make it set the goal. So long as you remain in this lazy, idling state of mind, you will never make any real financial progress, and old age will finally make you dependent on others.  

Move Towards your Goal  

After you have definitely fixed your first goal, begin immediately to cultivate a mental FEELING, SENTIMENT or CONVICTION that all the time you are moving nearer to that goal. This will not be a false sentiment, for as soon as your goal is set you will begin to move towards its achievement. The setting of the goal will give you a push in its direction, and from day to day and hour by hour, you will think, say and do the things necessary to reach it. And that is all there is behind even the greatest financial success -thinking, saying and doing the right things at the right time.  

I want to impress on you again the importance of thinking of your work or business as a service to others. Try to stop thinking of it as simply a means of making a living. Think of it as a privilege you have of doing something for the welfare, comfort and happiness of others. Put your whole heart, mind and soul into this work of service, and try constantly to be of more service and to give better service. We get out of life the exact equivalent of what we put into it. This constant realisation that our work is a privileged service is the best investment we can make. It pays quick dividends in money terms, and continues to pay more and more the longer we live. In the scheme of things in which we live, our principal business and highest duty seems to be to do things for other people. The more closely we live up to this duty, in our thoughts, in our work, and in all our other contacts with men, women and children, the greater is our reward - in financial terms and otherwise.  

If you go through life in fear that you will do something for which you will not get rewarded, you will never do much, nor be paid much, nor amount to much in any way. Humanity quickly and intuitively recognises and rewards those whose aim is to give the best possible service to others. If you are in business, it gives you, its trade. If you are in one of the professions, it flocks to swell your clientele. If you are an employee, it promotes you and gives you more pay. If you have no business, it helps you to get one. If you are in the wrong business, it helps you to get into the right one.  

A Success Formula for you

Now for a little formula to help you on the road to your goal. After the goal has been set, think of it often, at your work, during your idle moments, and during your periods of recreation. Discuss it with the members of your family, if you have a family, and get them interested in it. If you have no family, then discuss it with your intimate friends, and get their views and ideas about it.  

After you have retired for the night, whisper many times these exact words: "I'm getting nearer to my goal - I'm getting nearer to my goal." When you get too drowsy to whisper any more, go to sleep, hearing the clock in your bedroom ticking these same words. 

When you use this formula think all the time that you are coming nearer and nearer to the time when you will achieve your goal. 

Set the goal now, and begin using the formula. 

For further advice on setting your goal see pages 19 and 20 of the Personal Discussions which accompany these, Lessons. 


Mr David Hilton said...

1. What is the greatest of all barriers to an increased income?

Mr David Hilton said...

2. What causes an Inferiority Complex?

Mr David Hilton said...

3. What is the psychological term for these situations or incidents? What is its literal meaning?

Mr David Hilton said...

4. What is the Law of Reversed Effort?

Mr David Hilton said...

5. In setting out to increase your income, what is the first and most important thing to do?

Mr David Hilton said...

6. What are the simple things that even the greatest financial success amounts to?

Mr David Hilton said...

7. In what way should you think about your work or business?